Memestocks move in baskets

Are futures or swaps the secret sauce to price movements? Meme stocks move in baskets. Futures can be opened on baskets, which can be rolled out before four major expiration…

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BEWARE Talk of a “Controlled Squeeze”.

Yes - the DTCC and others are implementing rules designed to soften the impending crash. Yes there are new things in place to limit exposure for those who did and did not cause this issue. NO - steering the price to "seemingly" top out at $300 is NOT the SQUEEZE.

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Wall Street has admitted MOASS will occur. Hedgies new goal, try to control narrative on squeeze value.

r/amcstock•Posted byu/ToyTrouper14 hours agoTop Awarded3276151023 This post entitled 'Wall Street has admitted MOASS will occur. Hedgies new goal, try to control narrative on squeeze value' was posted on Reddit 25…

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