GME/AMC: How to transfer to ComputerShare in Europe. Excellent 101 guide for apes (with pretty pictures)

This post, which was posted on Reddit by user u/According_Bee2757 and shows you how to transfer to computershare if you are in Europe. It is reproduced here in its entirety.…

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Donnahue George sues Ken Griffin, Citadel, Robinhood and Webull over illegal activities, and the regulators for failing to stop them.

Author, real estate investor and entrepreneur Donnahue George is suing Ken Griffin, Citadel and the SEC, along with a number of brokerages (including Robinhood and WeBull) and more over the…

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AMC Q2 2021 Earnings Report: Smashes revenue expectations.

The widely anticipated AMC Q2 2021 Earnings Report Call on 9th August saw reported sales at over $444 Million, smashing their own expectations of $375 Million by a wide margin. CEO and Chairman of the Board Adam Aron was upbeat as he directly answered apes questions, and opening the door for renewed Dividends, but not for at least a year.

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