The most important roundup of news for AMC June 3 2021
- Closed-door “Sunshine Act” meeting (rescheduled twice, from May 13 and May 20). It’s not a coincidence that it was pushed back multiple times and then magically appears on the docket for the day after Adam Aron finds out AMC’s share-count.
- AMC sells 11.55 million shares at-the-market, raising $587.4 million in additional equity capital. AMC now has $2 billion (cash) in the bank.
- Word-of-the-Day: Perspective
What a rollercoaster ride! The PPS dropped from $62.29 to $37.66, rose all the way back up to $68.80, closed at $51.34, and then finished AH at $47.50. Insane. Yes, overall, it was a tough day, as AMC dropped 17.92% to $51.34 in the regular session, followed by another drop of 7.48% to $47.50 in AH. I want you to keep in mind, however, that we were at $8.93 on May 6. We then rose to $14.67 on May 18, $19.95 on May 26, $36.72 on May 28, and $72.62 on June 2. That’s an increase of 713% in just 27 calendar days! We were due for a pullback, which was entirely expected. There will be many ups and downs. That’s part of the game, and apes are decisively winning the game! Remember: it’s a marathon, not a sprint. AMC is still up a staggering 247% in the last 4 trading days! It’s very important to maintain perspective.
- Fintel’s “Short Squeeze Score” increased from 55 to 99.84/99 today!
- Trey interviews on Fox Business.
- Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Raymond James, Citigroup, Jefferies and other brokers have banned or severely constrained shorting of AMC! This is HUGE!
- Hedge funds blatantly broke the law by ladder attacking both AMC and GME at the exact same time, causing almost the exact same chart patterns. This is the perfect evidence to prove that hedge funds are illegally manipulating the market. It’s literally comical how brazen and obvious the fraud has become, yet the SEC continues to do absolutely nothing tangible/meaningful to stop the abuse.
- On an overwhelmingly positive note, apes showed that they can diamond-hand through even the most extreme storm of fraudulent, illegal attacks that the HF scum can muster.
- Korean investors snapped up $225 million of AMC shares from Monday-Thursday, according to Korea Securities Depository data. That total is nearly 300% of the amount spent on the second-most-purchased counter, Tesla, at $82 million.
- Retail traders in India are becoming apes, too!
- What was officially confirmed today about AMC:
- fundamentally sound;
- no short-term debt, with most debt put off until 2025-2026;
- no more shares available to dilute;
- will grow by acquisition and other avenues;
- over $2 billion in cash-on-hand, so not going bankrupt . . . period.
- In his second interview with Trey’s Trades, Adam Aron made the following points:
- The 20 million already-approved shares that AMC sold for $817+ million over the last week to Mudrick (8.5 million shares) and at-the-market (11.5 million shares) had already been set aside as officer compensation via AMC’s “Officer Incentive Plan.” However, instead of lining their own pockets, all officers agreed to sell the 20 million shares with the specific goal of increasing shareholder value by paying off debt and/or acquiring other theater chains! That’s a big win for apes!
- Mudrick never stated that AMC is “overvalued”; that is a lie.
- AMC now has over $2 billion in cash-on-hand.
- Plans to acquire more theaters
- AMC has only 46,000 shares remaining at its disposal, so apes should have absolutely no fear of further share-selling or dilution.
- The vast majority of AMC’s debt is not due until 2025 and 2026, giving AMC 4-5 years to pay that debt while it makes substantial income each year. They can also refinance the debt, including pushing out due dates to far beyond 2026.
- Quote: “I am not concerned about our debt situation IN … THE … LEAST.”
- On June 2, AMC accounted for 11% of all options trades of all U.S. companies in the entire stock market!
- The 501.8 million share-count is a “base” number of only the known, authorized shares. On June 9, Aron will provide a more detailed share-count.
- Quote: “1. I have given no serious thought to splitting or reverse splitting our stock. 2. We have no plans to split or reverse split our stock. 3. We can’t split our stock in any way without shareholder approval!”