The most important roundup of news for AMC June 28 2021
- Eh, just another ho-hum day for AMC, closing at $55.00 (+$7.09 / +14.80%) in the regular session and $56.40 (+$1.40 / +2.55%) after hours.
- Brokerage billionaire Thomas Peterffy, the founder and chair of Interactive Brokers, warns shorts and other hedge funds against continuing to short AMC:
It is extremely tempting to short [AMC], but unless you have huge liquid resources, please try to resist the temptation. These prices can go to unimaginable highs before they settle down to a reasonable valuation, and you may have to cover on the high point.
- Media shills are already trying very hard to convince people that AMC will not be moved to the Russel 1000. The lady-man doth protest too much!
- As many of you know, the MSM is intentionally confusing new investors into buying AMCX instead of AMC. Be aware! Spread the word and shame them whenever you see it!
- The hedge funds are “stop-loss hunting” like never before. Apes must do a better job of actually REMOVING all stop-loss orders for their AMC holdings!
- Punishment for white collar crime against AMC stock should now include jail time, not just fines that are utterly inconsequential “business expenses” to hedge fund managers.
- On Fox Business, Charles Payne interviews lawyer Wes Christian, a U.S. legal expert on naked short selling! The Texan calls it like it is:
Naked shorting is when sellers sell stock that they don’t have. In Texas, we call that stealing.
- Speaking with Matt Milleron on “Bloomberg Markets,” S3 Partners founder Robert Sloan explains why AMC is such an extremely high short squeeze risk. He also stated—with astonishment—that hedge funds lost $2 billion shorting AMC last week alone.
- FINRA proposes changes to Rule 4560 that would increase the required frequency of short-interest reports from twice a month to weekly or even daily. The change would require clearing firms to report synthetic short exposure—bets made against shares via derivatives—in firm and customer accounts.
These potential changes could improve the usefulness of short sale-related information to FINRA, other regulators, investors, and other market participants.
- FINRA proposes a new rule to require that participants of a registered clearing agency report to FINRA information on allocations to correspondent firms of fail-to-deliver (FTD) positions!
- TD Ameritrade seemingly admits to colluding with market makers on price fixing.
- Mainstream media outlets seem to have suddenly and collectively changed their tune about AMC over the last week, particularly today. Out of nowhere, the new media consensus seems to be that AMC is “dangerous to short” and can reach “$2,000 per share.” Basically, they are promoting a “fake squeeze” with a 2K ceiling. In my opinion, the media overlords (i.e., hedge fund managers) have finally conceded that they’ve lost. They know that the AMC squeeze is inevitable. Their only hope of survival now is to fool investors into believing that 2K is the max so that everyone sells on the way up towards $2,000 per share, rather than on the way down from $100,000+ per share.
- For what it’s worth, the SEC claims to be watching AMC like a hawk.
SEC staff continues to monitor the market in light of the ongoing volatility in certain stocks to determine if there have been any disruptions of the market, manipulative trading, or other misconduct. In addition, we will act to protect retail investors if violations of federal securities laws are found.