The most important roundup of news for AMC May 31 2021
- I believe that tomorrow and Wednesday may be the biggest FOMO days of the year for any stock in any market. The entire world is salivating over the impact of the share-count on June 2, so the FOMO demand for shares will be through the roof!
- Tomorrow, we’ll also feel the impact of 191,000 call options (191,000,000 shares) having expired in the money on Friday, May 28. Shorts enter Tuesday in an extremely weak, precarious position. Since the PPS jumped to $30.94 (+18.61%) in Germany today, AMC will almost certainly cross $35.00 in the U.S. market tomorrow (and I wouldn’t be surprised if it crosses $40). I’m predicting that $AMC will hit a high of $38.25 and finish the day at a new support level of $32.50. Volume should surpass 750,000,000.
- Apes’ goal should be to close over $40 on Friday. Based on the options ITM for the next 3 weeks, if AMC crosses and holds $40, the end game will have arrived for the hedge funds. If the price of AMC is over $40 on June 18th, it seems that a total of 586,175 options contracts will be ITM. A massive gamma squeeze will be at our fingertips.
- Hedge funds are screwed no matter what they do. Apes, on the other hand, are officially unscrewed.
- After rising over 10% very quickly after the German market opened, trading in AMC may have been halted. AMC finished the day at €25.30 (EUR) / $30.95 (USD) (+18.61%).