AMC Short Interest Data is identical to May just as it begin its rip to the last ATH

AMC Short Interest Data is identical to May just as it begin its rip to the last ATH

Ortex says the AMC Short interest data is identical to when the stock got jacked up and ripped from $26 to $72 over the space of just a few weeks from the end of may to the 1st of June 2021.

AMC Short Interest Data Estimated by Ortex

Today, Ortex was reporting estimated Short Interest at 20%, exactly the same as the 28th May at 102.3 Million. This is exactly the position we were in when it ran like crazy to it’s all time high.

The last run saw a 276% increase from $26 to $72.

276% increase today from $50 would take the price to $138.

Now, obviously, just because it happened before doesn’t mean it will happen again, but history does have a habit of repeating in the stock market, so let’s see what happens over the next couple of days. It’s fair to say that every ape out there wants to see it run to over 100, but this is just the beginning. The MOASS isn’t $100…. The floor is limitless, and all we have to do is keep on holding.

That is all.

AMC Short Interest Data is identical to May just as it begin its rip to the last ATH

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