Cramer says Buy AMC … as it’s announced he’s leaving the Street after 25 years

Cramer says Buy AMC … as it’s announced he’s leaving the Street after 25 years

On Twitter this morning, Jim Cramer sent the simple tweet “Buy AMC”. Within minutes, the price jumped in the pre-market by 60-odd cents.

What on earth? After he’s been bashing AMC for months, now Cramer says Buy AMC? Well, apart from anything, this has provided us with a huge amount of hilarity. We are literally totally jacked to the tits now.

Cramer says Buy AMC. Yep, we don’t know why either….

Earlier in the week the news that he was leaving The Street, after 25 years, was going around, although to date this hasn’t been confirmed yet.

Could it be that this a parting “FOOK YOU” to his CNBC masters, or could his account have been hacked? Or perhaps he’s just really seen the light. Either way, bloody hell.

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