Fintel fixes price of the $5125 AMC share price

Fintel fixes price of the $5125 AMC share price

On July 14th, Fintel released an update to give information about the very strange looking $5125 AMC share price which according to it’s data were held by Sound Income Strategies. It basically acknowledged what a lot of us were thinking, which was that this must be an error… When you could buy AMC at an absolute peak of $74, why would anyone have paid over five grand for one share?

Fintel fixes price of the $5125 AMC share price
The original posting on Fintel which caused eyebrows to be raised at the prospect of a $5125 AMC share price

So basically it’s like this. Sound Income Strategies posted an SEC 13F filing which appeared to show they held 4 shares of AMC, each worth a whopping $5125 each. Now, we apes know this is eventually where AMC is going, but it’s obvious to anyone that this just wasn’t right, unless they’d been through some mad time warp to the future, and come back believing the price of AMC was vastly higher than the sub $40 price it’s currently languishing at.

It turns out someone didn’t read the form properly, and they are meant to divide by 1000, which they failed to do. Oopsie. However, this would give them a price which is far more believable.

Matt Kohrs did a great quick explainer video about the $5125 AMC share price below. Give him a watch (and a like, comment and share too):

Matt Kohrs explainer of how fintel fixes price of the $5125 AMC share price

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