How hedge funds destroyed a company which tried to cure cancer

How hedge funds destroyed a company which tried to cure cancer

This incredible story by Reddit user u/cjh11111 which comes in 15 chapters, is being reproduced unedited here for posterity. Apes Army takes absolutely no credit whatsoever for it, nor do we endorse any of the contents. This is not financial advice. Do Your Own Research always! If you wish to read in a single PDF document, you can view it here.

Jim Cramer, Hedge Funds, Mafia connections, Media propaganda, Stock manipulation and lies. An 15- Chapter story of how hedge funds and their cronies destroyed a company who tried to cure cancer.


Made a post about this earlier but was too jacked, started typing in capital letters and got carried away🤣

Hopefully this one is a little clearer.

If you don’t want to read the whole thing, the I recommend at-least reading the first 3 pages. You probably won’t be able to stop after then anyway lmayo

During June and July of 2009 Deep Capture serialized a 48,000 word story about a network of market miscreants that includes disreputable financial analysts, prominent journalists, some of America’s best-known hedge fund managers, associates of the Mafia, and Michael Milken, the famous criminal from the 1980s. The story focuses on the travails of Dendreon, a company with a promising treatment for prostate cancer, but it describes market machinations that have affected hundreds of other companies, and it contains a larger message about the “deep capture” of our nation’s media and regulatory bodies.

Read all the chapters in order, or you can download as a full PDF here:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

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