Ken’s Lapdog James Yeh retiring after 22 years of faithfully serving his master

Ken’s Lapdog James Yeh retiring after 22 years of faithfully serving his master

James Yeh the President and Co-Chief Investment Officer at Citadel and member of the Portfolio Committee is retiring after 22 years of being Ken Griffin’s favourite lapdog, who’s been faithfully serving his Mayo-loving master since the company began.

Apes Army understands that along with leaving Citadel a billionaire, he also receives a gold collar from Ken for his years of loyal service, fetching sticks and rigging the markets to make Ken as rich as a Croesus.

Obviously. Many news sources are reporting his distinguished career at Citadel, which, let us not forget, during that time has been fined more than 60 times by the SEC for all sorts of manipulative and illegal practises. Everyone begin the slow clap please for James Yeh, who’s career spans being Kenny’s lapdog whilst the company was engaged in ridiculous levels of market fuckery and shenanigans.

James Yeh. Ken Griffin's right hand man and favourite lapdog for over 2 decades
James Yeh. The man who’s name represents what Kenny likes his employees to say to him…

Who is James Yeh?

According to The Org, James oversees Global Quantitative Strategies, Global Fixed Income and Macro, as well as the advanced analytics that support Citadel’s fundamental equities businesses.

James joined Citadel as one of the firm’s first employees in 1993, after completing his Ph.D. in Physics at the University of California, Berkeley. James was instrumental in building Citadel’s statistical arbitrage business and pushing the firm’s expansion into new strategies. Over his career, James has led a number of Citadel’s key businesses including Citadel Global Equities and Global Quantitative Strategies.

Who is his successor Pablo Salame?

According to PR Newswire, Pablo Salame joined Citadel in 2019 as Head of Global Credit, responsible for leading the firm’s credit strategies and convertible arbitrage activities. Pablo also serves on the firm’s Portfolio Committee. 

Pablo worked for over 20 years at Goldman Sachs prior to joining Citadel, most recently serving as Vice Chairman of the firm and co-head of Global Markets. So it’s fair to say he’s yet another who’s part of the Wall Street elite, the very same banksters who broke the economy in 2007/08 as well as participating in creating fake lendable shares (naked shorting) out of thin air with the end of result of “organized counterfeiting of shares in the market“, especially in relation to the Overstock debacle. But it’s not just us saying that. Crucial evidence of the Goldman’s participation in these manipulative practices surfaced when Goldman’s lawyer accidentally posted on PACER, the federal court online filing system, emails from a broker documenting his abuses. Oops.

So it’s probably fair to say that Salame isn’t a stranger to a bit of market manipulation here and there, not that anyone who’s been paying attention is in any way surprised right?

Some of this information was reprinted from our friends over at KenGriffinLies.

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