AMC June 1 Timeline

The most important roundup of news for AMC June 1 2021

  1. Today may be the last day to purchase shares below $30 before Adam Aron announces the share-count on or shortly after Wednesday, June 2.  If you don’t hold shares by the close today, you may never be able to afford shares again.  Please note that when the PPS spikes from $30 to $120, for example, it will suddenly be 400% more expensive to “buy back” shares.  Before you know it, the PPS will be $500+ and you’ll be left in the rear-view mirror.
  2. CEO Adam Aron is going on the offensive yet again, raising another $230 million by selling 8.5 million shares (about 1.7% of those outstanding) to existing investor Mudrick Capital Management at $27.12 per share—nearly 1,400% the price at the start of the year.  Aron intends to make “value creating acquisitions of additional theatre leases, as well as investments to enhance the consumer appeal of AMC’s existing theatres.”  In a statement, Aron said the improved liquidity would be used “primarily” to help AMC grow, and he teased that the company has been in discussions to acquire “superb” theaters from Arclight Cinemas and Pacific Theatres.
  3. Mudrick Capital Management sold all shares for a quick profit.  Bad news?  NOPE!  Apes did not hesitate to snatch them up!  Apes now own what I estimate to be 85% of the float!  The more shares apes own, the less hedge funds’ fuckery can hurt apes and the more violent the inevitable squeeze will be.  FYI, Ken Griffin apparently owns 4% of Mudrick. Hmmm . . . .
  4. Shorts lose yet another $591 million today alone (over $1 billion if we count after hours)!  Makes ape feel all tingly inside!
  5. Relentless shills are proof that AMC is getting closer to the moon launch.  If AMC weren’t such a threat, would hedge funds be sending millions of dollars in untraceable Bitcoin payments to foreign stooges to illegally attack and libel AMC every day?
  6. What a day!  AMC closed the regular session at $32.04 (+22.66%), after having reached a high of $33.53 earlier in the day.
  7. Matt Kohrs brings massive, mainstream media exposure to AMC stock via his interview on Fox News Business with Charles Payne!  (No, he definitely should not have referred to it as a “swing trade.”  He also should have pushed back extremely hard against any suggestion that AMC is overvalued.  All-in-all, this interview stands as a huge win!)
  8. AMC hits $39.40 in AH (+22.97% over the closing price and +44.25% overall for the day), nailing the $38.25 that I predicted yesterday in the May 31 entry.  I’m so happy for myself, but even more happy for those less fortunate, struggling apes who may have independently acted upon my DD-based price predictions the last few days.
  9. AMC absolutely obliterated its previous all-time high of $36.13 from March 22, 2015 by hitting $39.40 in AH today.  It’s hard to believe that AMC hit an all-time low of $1.95 on April 12, 2020.
  10. JG Savoldi, inventor of the BAM model of market analysis, says that we could see a PPS of $280 this week if we maintain strength around $32.  JG has been spot on (almost to the penny) with his weekly analysis for months.
  11. As of June 1 at 19:32, there were once again 0 shares available to short.
  12. Ortex:  +6.15 million shorted shares and +4.61% short interest.

Information and Timeline provided by u/AgedMurcury78 in his amazing Ultimate AMC Timeline document.

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