The most important roundup of news for AMC June 6 2021
- Just a friendly Sunday reminder: hedge funds don’t care about you. In fact, they wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire. They’re now feigning concern that “people may lose money investing in AMC,” which is our unquestionable proof that they are shitting their pants in fear of the MOASS.
- The main AMC stock group in Reddit (r/amcstock/) hit the 300,000-member milestone only 10 days after surpassing 200,000! Smokin’!
- BMO (Bank of Montreal) is now restricting both naked options and shorting of AMC!
- When Robinhood restricted buys on GME and others earlier this year, it caused a big sell-off. Why? Investors don’t like uncertainty or having their hands tied. This is now true for hedge funds. The big banks are taking away their power. Remember, Goldman Sachs, Bank of America, Raymond James, Citigroup, Jefferies and other brokers banned or severely constrained shorting of AMC! Hedge funds will inevitably run for the exits and therefore create a big short squeeze. This new development is really going to hurt anyone who is currently short the stock. How high will it go? Not sure. It depends on the buying pressure beginning on Monday morning.
- “Russell 1000, yeah.” Barring an absolute catastrophe, AMC will be shifted from the Russell 2000 (small cap) to the Russell 1000 (large cap) on June 25. This is massive news for $AMC! More exposure, more perceived trustworthiness, and more institutional buying come with being a top-1,000 company! The shift hinges on the value of AMC’s market capitalization remaining above $5.2 billion (minimum of $10.13 per share) at the close of business on June 25. That shouldn’t be a problem. As of the close on Friday, June 4, AMC’s market capitalization is $24.6 billion!