Trey’s awesome and heartfelt message to the Apes

Trey’s awesome and heartfelt message to the Apes

He’s already probably one of the most popular of the YouTube Apemasters, but this video published 14 June is probably one of the best we’ve seen yet. Trey goes into detail about the journey he has been on, and the proof that he really is a massive Silverback who’s there for the whole community (and not in it for the YT and merch tendies).

If you haven’t seen this yet, please give it a watch, especially if you’re feeling a little low after the most recent hedgef*ckery which has seen the AMC price drop like a brick in a seemingly highly coordinated algorithmic attack on AMC.

Watch this heartfelt message to the Apes from Trey and remind yourself why you’re in this fight.

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