Wall Street has admitted MOASS will occur. Hedgies new goal, try to control narrative on squeeze value.

Wall Street has admitted MOASS will occur. Hedgies new goal, try to control narrative on squeeze value.

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r/amcstock•Posted byu/ToyTrouper14 hours agoTop AwardedPlatinumGold3Doot 🎵 Doot2Table SlapCoin GiftHelpful7Wholesome6Silver15Lawyer UpHugz10Bravo Grande!Take My Energy2All-Seeing Upvote3Starstruck

This post entitled ‘Wall Street has admitted MOASS will occur. Hedgies new goal, try to control narrative on squeeze value’ was posted on Reddit 25 July 2021

Why I Hold

Recently in an official rule proposal, NSCC – 2021 – 010, Wall Street has admitted to MOASS, and presented what is claimed to be a way to mitigate market fluctuations due to MOASS.

The purpose of this topic isn’t about whether or not the proposed rule is good or bad, but rather to acknowledge the following:

  1. Wall Street has admitted MOASS is going to occur.
  2. The new goal of shills is to try to control the narrative around MOASS, such as how much the stock will be worth during MOASS.

There is currently a shill-post manipulated to the front page that tries to do just that, spreading FUD and claiming apes are paper hands.

The general perspective of apes is in agreement with the AMC 500K thesis, which says AMC stock can reach 500K (or more!) during a squeeze.

Prepare for a flood of FUD that tries to claim the value of the stock during MOASS is less, or that apes are paper hands.

Because now that Wall Street has admitted MOASS, the ones who don’t want a squeeze must now try to control the narrative around it.

This post ‘Wall Street Has Admitted Moass Will Occur’ is reproduced without editing. Apes Army does not endorse any of the information contained within, nor should this be regarded as financial advice. DYOR.

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