Adam Aron will take investor questions at next AMC Quarterly Earnings Report

Adam Aron will take investor questions at next AMC Quarterly Earnings Report

Adam Aron will take investor questions at the upcoming August 9th 2021 AMC quarterly earnings report. He tweeted this on July 31, and it continues the company’s focus on ensuring that retail investors feel valued and heard under his leadership.

Adam Aron Tweet July 31

This tweet comes a day after he reiterated that AMC have issued no new shares, and any suggestion to the contrary was complete BS and just another load of FUD, probably started by some of the Hedgie Shill Bots.

If you would like to ask a question, Adam Aron announced that you could do so via the SayTechnologies app which you can get here.

The Masked Investor talked about Aron’s announcement in this video here. You can also see some of the other questions and upvote and share them too!

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