Why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game: 7 Years of Data points to incoming surge in volume

Why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game: 7 Years of Data points to incoming surge in volume

This post about the Deep OTM puts on Gamestop was published by u/nayboyer2 on Reddit on 22 August 2021 and is reproduced in its entirety here without editing. Apes Army does not endorse any of the information here, and remind you that this is not financial advice. Do Your own research always.

Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain – why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

We’ve seen plenty of posts about the curious Deep OTM Puts over the past 8 months.

Many wrinkly apes have tried to connect the dots between drops in short interest and FTDs using Buy-writes, Married Puts, etc. This is not one of those posts.

My brain is too smooth to make conclusions from the data, but I do still think it’s an important piece of the puzzle.Deep OTM Puts Purchased 1/25 through 1/27

$0.50 Puts for 1/2022 – updated as of today

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

12.04 million Puts purchased 1/27 – SHF / Shitadel – Wut doing?

The net volume for these trades was > 7 million contracts, which would represent 700 million GME shares for that single strike price. That’s almost 10x the number of GME shares that exist. If even a fraction of these were used to deceptively create synthetic shares, it’s clear that these fuckers not only didn’t cover, but they dug their own graves 7 months ago.

And just so we can be sure that this number represents number of contracts and not number of shares, this screenshot shows that the volume on 1/11 was 7 (not 700), meaning the 12.04 million volume from 1/27 was the number of contracts, not shares.

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

7 contracts purchased on 1/11 vs 12,040,000 purchased on 1/27

Have a look for yourself: Yahoo Finance GME $0.50 PutsBut that wasn’t their only Puts purchase on 1/27.

I’ll include a few more purchases, just to illustrate their sheer stupidity.

$1 Puts for 1/2022 – data as of June 24th?

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

1.3 M puts purchased 1/27 – data updated through June 24th?

Another 1.3 million worthless puts – and why is the data only updated through June 24th? Seems to be a running theme…

$1.50 Puts for 1/2022 – data updated as of June 22nd?

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Over 50,000 Puts purchased 1/27 – data last updated 6/22?

$2.00 Puts for 1/2022 – data updated as of June 23rd?

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

$5 Puts for 1/2022 – data updated as of June 24th?

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

595,950 worthless Puts, updated as of June 24th

Have a look for yourself – GME Yahoo FinanceWhat’s the big deal about June 24th?

Well we had high expectations for June 24th.

Here’s a screenshot from another great u/Criand DD (link to post) from July 19th.

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Maybe that tiny fart on June 24th is simply deception to try to throw us off the pattern?

Maybe DFV’s post was about

DFV tweet from June 17th

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Right before he went to sleep…

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

And just last week they sold quite a few $5 Puts for October, including 24,040 on 8/19. Does that mean we’re about to liftoff?

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

——-Let’s take a look at daily volume chart for the past 7 years:

2015 Daily Volume

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Awfully quiet between end of May and end of August – 13 weeks. 8/28 volume spike

2016 Daily Volume

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Awfully quiet between end of May and end of August – 12 weeks. 8/26 volume spike

2017 Daily Volume

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Awfully quiet between end of May through end of August – 13 weeks. 8/25 volume spike

2018 Daily Volume

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Awfully quiet between June and end of August. 8/27 and 9/5 volume spikes

2019 Daily Volume

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Big volume on 6/5 and pretty quiet until end of August and September. 8/22 and 9/11 volume spikes

2020 Daily Volume

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Huge end of year volume in late August, September, and October. 8/31, 9/22, and 10/8 – 10/9 volume spikes

2021 Daily Volume

r/Superstonk - Tens of millions of worthless OTM Puts were purchased on 1/27/21 according to Yahoo data. Revisiting the GME Options Chain - why the Deep OTM Puts are still part of the SHF Game! And why 7 years of data points toward an incoming surge in volume. GME about to go Brrrrrrrr?!!!

Awfully quiet since the end of May. Seems primed for an end of August / early September ignition

The end of August and early September has always left us with bountiful volume.

Will 2021 be any different?

I’m jacked to find out! Buckle up!

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