Donnahue George sues Ken Griffin, Citadel, Robinhood and Webull over illegal activities, and the regulators for failing to stop them.

Donnahue George sues Ken Griffin, Citadel, Robinhood and Webull over illegal activities, and the regulators for failing to stop them.

Author, real estate investor and entrepreneur Donnahue George is suing Ken Griffin, Citadel and the SEC, along with a number of brokerages (including Robinhood and WeBull) and more over the clear market violations, and the regulators complicity in refusing to act decisively to prevent illegal activities which all Apes by now know are endemic in the market.

Donnahue George says that he filed the law suit not only to bring the Hedge Funds to justice for their criminal actions, but also to hold the government regulators (including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the DTCC and FINRA) to account for essentially allowing the illegal activities to continue by only issuing fines which, let’s face it, are a drop in the ocean for multi-billion dollar Hedgies. Essentially, he is saying that by imposing these fines, the government is effectively “taking a slice” and leaving retail investors as the ones out of pocket, a far cry from what the SEC should be doing.

The filing which was made on August 17th 2021 and listed as George v. Griffin et all in the US District Court for the Southern District of Florida names Citadel Connect Dark Pool, Citadel LLC Hedge Fund, Citadel Securities Market Maker, DTCC, FNRA, Ken Griffin, Robinhood Financial LLC, Securities Exchange Commission and Webull Financial LLC as defendants, with Judge K Michael Moore presiding.

A jury demand has also been made by the plaintiff, Donnahue George, who took to Twitter to announce his impending lawsuit. In follow up tweets, he references the Apes saying it is an “Ape Nation” lawsuit, referencing much of the DD which has been done conducted over the many months by the Ape community.

Donnahue George lawsuit could be first of many

As the Donnahue George lawsuit has literally only just been filed, it’s too early yet to predict what the outcome will be, but it’s probably fair to say that this, and potential other legal investigations which could end up seeing Citadel and others in court (including the one announced by Wes Christian on Trey’s Trades livestream back in July), might end up with the regulators deciding to actual do their jobs for a change in a bid to evade scrutiny themselves. Furthermore, it could inspire a whole raft of other lawsuits to be filed, and this could make the whole saga even more interesting.

At the end of the day, we Apes simply want an end to the illegal practises and shenanigans which have been going on for years in the markets, instigated by Wall Street Hedge Funds, and arguably aided and abetted by the Government themselves (or at least one could with confidence say that they have been complicit through sheer incompetence and mis-management).

Apes Army will continue to follow this story as it unfolds.

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