AMC May 10 Timeline

The most important roundup of news for AMC May 10 2021

  1. Airplane with “$AMC We’re Not Leaving” banner to fly over Citadel building in Chicago for 45 minutes!
  2. Borrowing fee rises from 26% to an astonishing 73.2%.  Zero (0) non-ETF shares available to short at market close!  Only 11,220 ETF shares available at close.
  3. E*Trade’s margin requirement for AMC is now 800%!  Obviously, E*Trade knows that something big is brewing.
  4. SEC awards another $22 million to two whistleblowers (Hey, hedge fund employees . . . are you paying attention?)
  5. Fintel “Short Squeeze Score” rises to 85.86
  6. SR-ICC-2021-005 approved very quickly!  Hmmm, I wonder why.

This rule helps to mitigate economic damage resulting from member defaults (e.g., margin calls against—and forced liquidations of—hedge funds that are shorting AMC).

Information and Timeline provided by u/AgedMurcury78 in his amazing Ultimate AMC Timeline document.

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