Gamestop has gone 53 days without putting out a news release
This article was first published on Reddit on 31 Jan 2022 by user u/Magic_The_Redditing and is reproduced here without editing. Apes Army takes no credit for this information, and we…
This article was first published on Reddit on 31 Jan 2022 by user u/Magic_The_Redditing and is reproduced here without editing. Apes Army takes no credit for this information, and we…
This guide on how to transfer GME to ComputerShare was compiled by user u/da_squirrel_monkey on Reddit. Apes Army takes no credit whatsoever for the information contained within, nor do we…
On 8th September, the GME Q2 2021 Earnings call took place, lasting just 8 short minutes. During this time, we confirmed what we Apes already knew... that GME is doing great, despite the hedgies desire to short the company into oblivion, as well as the ongoing impact of Covid on the business.
This post about the Deep OTM puts on Gamestop was published by u/nayboyer2 on Reddit on 22 August 2021 and is reproduced in its entirety here without editing. Apes Army…
How to take over the world in 3,366,617 easy steps: Part 1: Finkle Is Einhorn This bit of exceptional DD called "How To Take Over The World In 3,366,617 Easy…
An eagled eyed Ape spotted this advert on Fidelity's website.
This is all the FUD the hedgies and their mainstream media shills have been chucking at us during 2021
This awesome DD argues that when they fail..they come crashing down from their Castle of Glass. One that has been forming cracks throughout its structure since the day it was conceived.
GME closed the session yesterday with volume of just 1.5 Million, the third lowest volume recorded since pretty much the same time last year (when the price was $3.94 and…
Has GME found its bottom seven months into the memestock wars? This deep dive was posted on Reddit by a brother ape, and is reproduced in it's entirety without editing here.